Why Is My Body Warm But My Feet Cold?

Why Is My Body Warm But My Feet Cold

When exposed to freezing conditions, you may observe that your feet and hands are the first to go chilly, while your chest and body remain warm. Because your feet are the furthest away from your heart, it may take longer for blood to flow through your body’s limbs. As a result, your hands and feet may take longer to warm up.

When your feet are chilly, it’s never a pleasant sensation. It never feels good when your feet feel like they’re going to fall off, whether you’re out in the cold or curled up in warm, comforting blankets.

As much as you’d like to blame your cold feet on the cold weather, your stress, or nervousness, it turns out that there are various underlying medical issues that might be causing and worsening your condition.

Why Do I Have Cold Feet?

Low Blood Flow

Warm blood circulating throughout your body is one of the things that keeps you warm and comfortable. However, if you have an underlying cardiac disease that stops the heart from pumping blood quickly enough to your extremities, this can be disturbed. Atherosclerosis is a disorder in which fatty deposits constrict arteries, preventing blood flow to the hands and feet. It is also a kind of peripheral arterial disease in which your arteries thin, restricting blood flow to important organs and potentially your limbs.

Thyroid hypothyroidism

This is an underactive thyroid disorder in which the thyroid gland does not create enough thyroid hormones. It is the inverse of hyperthyroidism. This has an impact on your metabolism, which controls your body’s energy and temperature. Hypothyroidism delays the adjustment period required by your body when exposed to cold settings, limiting energy and warmth from your cells and diminishing blood circulation, which can result in chilly feet.

aplastic anemia

Anemia is a disorder in which there are insufficient red blood cells circulating in your body to supply oxygen to tissues and organs. This illness might cause you to feel weary and weaker than normal, and in extreme situations, chilly feet may be a symptom. If your bloodstream does not contain enough red blood cells, you may experience decreased warmth in your extremities, such as your hands and feet.

Raynaud’s phenomenon

Raynaud’s phenomenon is more prevalent if you smoke frequently, have atherosclerosis, or take beta-blockers or prescription amphetamines that constrict your arteries. In fact, the Raynauds Association has formally recommended Heat Holders for their advantages! When exposed to cold conditions, tiny blood arteries adjust by limiting blood flow to your extremities in order to keep your internal organs warm. The most typical sign of this ailment is a noticeable discoloration of your ears, nose, hands, and feet, rendering them white or bluish and making them feel ice-cold.


While it may appear unconnected at first, diabetic problems might alter blood flow or nerve sensitivity in your lower extremities. Peripheral neuropathy occurs when the nerves in your feet that detect temperature are destroyed, giving you the sensation that your feet are chilly when they are not. In addition to feeling chilly, you may also feel pins and needles or numbness in your feet.

How Diagnose Cold Feet ?

Because there are so many different reasons of chilly feet, it’s critical to visit a doctor. They will assist in the diagnosis of any underlying medical issues and will make treatment recommendations. Your doctor will examine you and inquire about your symptoms and medical history. They may also do tests to confirm or rule out medical issues causing your chilly feet.

How to Treat Cold Feet?

As you may have guessed, there are various plausible causes for why your feet are always chilly. A number of them are connected to underlying health concerns, and you may require a doctor’s advice to determine the core cause and, if necessary, receive correct medical treatment. However, the doctor may confirm that you have no medical issues to be concerned about, in which case you may relax knowing you’re in great form.

Here are some general guidelines and good routines to help you warm up your icy feet:

  • Stretching or moving your feet, according to Dr. Agarwal, can help you warm them up by getting blood circulating to them.
  • Get some physical activity: Regular exercise is an easy approach to increase your circulation and avoid cold feet from occurring.
  • Soak their feet in a warm bath: Fill a bath tub or a large enough vessel halfway with warm water and soak our frozen feet for around 15 minutes to warm them up and boost circulation to the region.
  • Make use of a hot water bottle or a heating pad: Wrap your chilly feet and toes with a heating pad or heated blanket, or use a hot water bottle.
  • Reduce stress: Because stress can cause your extremities to get chilly, it’s important to reduce stress whenever possible (here are some ways to manage it).
  • Put on socks: Socks are a simple technique to warm up and insulate chilly feet. What’s better? For added coziness, invest in a beautiful pair of warming socks.
  • Reduce your use of tobacco: Tobacco usage in general, as well as smoking, has been related to a variety of blood vessel problems. You may be able to minimize your chance of developing some of these problems by reducing back.